Dear Environmental Studies Minors,
Please find the this week’s announcements below.
The Environmental Studies program now has a Facebook
page. Like it today at
We promise not to flood your newsfeed with updates will but keep you informed
about both the most important ESP events and relevant local, national, and
global environmental news stories.
On Campus Forums and Presentations
The Signature of Climate Change in Massachusetts Species with
Prof. Colleen Hitchcock
Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) Mapping Contest at Boston College
Graduate School Opportunities
1. Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
2. PhD Research and Teaching Assistantship, University of Vermont:
Human Health and the Environment
3. PhD Funding at the National University of Singapore
Off-Campus Lectures, Forums, and Exhibitions
1. Boston Climate Action Plan Community Kick-off Meeting
2. Physics of Sustainable Energy Resources Conference
3. Exhibition on Climate Change at the Harvard Museum of Natural
Internship and Job Opportunities, Site Visits, and Travel
Immersion Trips with Food First
Ecosystem Restoration
through Interdisciplinary Exchange
Study Montana Wildlife this
Internship with
Environment America
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Corps Environmental Training Program
B. Kevin Brown
Graduate Assistant, Environmental Studies
Devlin 213
Fall 2013 Office Hours: Monday 9:00am-1:00pm, Tuesday
10:00am-4:00pm, Wednesday 4:00-5:00pm, and Thursday 12:00-5:00pm
Students are invited to present their GIS mapping work as
part of a campus-wide celebration of geospatial research at Boston College.
Prizes will be awarded to the top student entries which will be displayed in
the O’Neill Library lobby on Wednesday, April 16th, 2014. See full details
We are pleased to announce that the Fall 2014 application for admission to the Masters programs at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies is now live. You can access the application here. Please make sure to submit all of your materials no later than December 15, 2013 in order to be given full consideration for admission.
Financial Aid Update
In order to be considered for scholarships, all applicants must submit the F&ES financial aid application by February 15, 2014. U.S. students must also submit the 2014-15 FAFSA by this deadline. Applicants who submit late or incomplete applications for financial aid will not be considered for scholarship. The financial aid application will be available in mid-October.
Anyone that submits an
application for admission will also be granted access to the outside
scholarship database. This is a great resource for students looking for
additional scholarship support, and we strongly encourage you to look at this
database before you receive your admission decision!
Deadline: Applications are due to the UVM Graduate College by February
1st; letters of interest and supporting materials are due to Dr.
Vatovec by January 20th
Position: PhD
Assistantship; Three years of funding available (research and teaching
assistantship) with a goal of securing project funding for the duration of the
students’ program.
background: Dr. Christine Vatovec has funding available for one
doctoral-level student to conduct environmental health social science research
that is related to medical care. Current projects focus on two areas regarding the interplay between human health
and the environment: 1) the socio-ecological consequences of medical care, and
2) the human health benefits of nature contact.
Responsibilities: The
successful applicant will work with Dr. Vatovec to develop a research protocol,
apply for grant funding, conduct field research (e.g. interviews,
observations), analyze data, and prepare publications and presentations for
academic and lay audiences. The position is for a minimum of three years
during which time the student will serve as a teaching assistant (10
hours/week) and research assistant (10 hours/week).
Qualifications: The
successful applicant will have a background in environmental studies or a
related discipline, and an interest in environmental health, social science research,
and qualitative methodology. While not required, preference will be given
to applicants who have earned a MPH, or are interested in participating in the
Certificate in Public Health program (
at UVM.
To apply: Interested
applicants should submit the following materials to Dr. Vatovec by January
1. A letter of
interest (two pages, maximum) that outlines the applicant’s professional
interest in environmental health and career plans, why earning a PhD the best
path for achieving your career goals, and experience with qualitative social
science methods,
2. the names
and contact information of three references,
3. unofficial
transcripts, and GRE scores, and
4. your current
CV (please include your GPA from your current or most recently completed
graduate studies).
In addition,
applicants will need to apply to the Rubenstein School of Environment and
Natural Resources (RSENR) Graduate School before February 1st (Graduate application process). In your application, be sure
to state your preference for working with Dr. Vatovec. If you would like to
discuss this assistantship before applying, please contact Dr. Vatovec.
The QS
World University rankings (2013) place National University Singapore (NUS) in
the top 25 universities in the world and number one in Asia. In the same
rankings, the Department of Geography, NUS, is ranked in the top ten Geography
programmes globally.
The Tropical
Environmental Change (TEC) research group in the Department of Geography,
NUS, currently comprises around 35 faculty and graduate research students whose
interests focus on the dynamic nature of geo-ecological processes and the human
dimensions of low latitude (tropical) regimes. Such regimes are amongst
the least studied and therefore most poorly understood on Earth.
fully funded scholarships (fees and maintenance) of up to four years are currently available in
the TEC research group in the Department to support research and training to
the award of a PhD. Opportunities also exist to apply for additional
funding to support fieldwork and laboratory costs, if relevant, to participate
in international conferences and to contribute to the Department’s teaching
research students in TEC follow a semi-structured programme, which involves a
taught component in the first two years of registration. The programme
allows a PhD student to acquire and develop to a high standard both
subject-specific and transferable skills, thus enabling a student to access a
broad range of future employment opportunities – in business, industry,
consultancy, education, research etc. For information on how to
become a PhD student at one of the world’s top universities in one of the most
culturally diverse and technologically advanced cities in the world, and on
enriching careers following your PhD, see:
Please note
that there are two application deadlines each year: 1 November and 15 May
(for entrance in, respectively, August and January of the year following the
application deadline). For further information, please contact in the
first instance Ms Pauline Lee (email
). Pauline is the administrator in the Department with responsibility for
providing support to the Graduate Studies programme in Geography.
TEC faculty
are particularly interested to receive applications from suitably
qualified candidates (excellent performances in bachelor’s and master’s degrees
in relevant subjects) that relate directly to the topics/themes listed
below. We are also happy to consider enquiries and
applications within the broad field of Tropical Environmental Change from
suitably qualified applicants. In the case of the latter, applicants are
advised from early in the process of writing their PhD proposal to consult
with a member of TEC faculty whose research interests most closely match
their own. For further advice, including whom among the TEC faculty might
be best able to help develop a proposal, please contact Professor David Taylor
( ) –
Chair of TEC.
PhD topics/themes currently open to applicants
(for further details on specific topics/themes
please contact the PI(s) listed):
1) Reconstruction of Palaeoflood
histories on mainland SE Asian Rivers
Professor Alan Ziegler, email:
This PhD develops preliminary work in TEC by Profs Ziegler, Higgitt, Oliver, Wasson examining river bank stratigraphies to develop a timeline of flood occurrences during the past millennia. In particular the work will explore the possibility of a breakdown of the Indian Ocean Monsoon during the Little Ice Age, then it's restrengthening in the last 100-200 years. Fieldwork will be conducted in at least the following countries: Thailand, Lao PDR, Myanmar. Analyses will involve 14C and OSL dating. Other analyses could involve hydrological modeling and comparison of the flood record against including tree ring and speleothem archives. This work has implications for understanding potential changes in flood occurrences with plausible impending climate change
Linking Health and Environment- Ecology, Epidemiology and Geography of
Infectious Diseases
Assistant Professor Wang Yi-Chen, email:
Disease transmission requires a susceptible host to encounter an infected host or vector, thereby is an inherently spatial process. Factors affecting the spatial distributions of pathogens, hosts, and vectors, and their likelihood of close encountering, are thus critical for understanding the dynamics of diseases. PhD projects under this research theme will be cross-cutting and expand the work done by both the physical and human geographers of the Department (i.e., Dr Wang, Prof Taylor, Dr Feng, Dr. Grundy-Warr, Prof Ziegler) to examine the ecology, epidemiology and geography of infectious disease (including, but not limited to, malaria, opisthorchiasis, schistosomiasis, and clonorchiasis), with the applications of GIS, remote sensing and other spatial analysis techniques. Topics may include: environmental and/or social determinants of disease prevalence and transmission; spatial analysis and modeling of disease risks; landscape influences on the spatial variation in disease prevalence; and impacts of land change on disease ecology. Interested students with ecology, physical geography, and GIS/remote sensing background are encouraged to apply.
Disease transmission requires a susceptible host to encounter an infected host or vector, thereby is an inherently spatial process. Factors affecting the spatial distributions of pathogens, hosts, and vectors, and their likelihood of close encountering, are thus critical for understanding the dynamics of diseases. PhD projects under this research theme will be cross-cutting and expand the work done by both the physical and human geographers of the Department (i.e., Dr Wang, Prof Taylor, Dr Feng, Dr. Grundy-Warr, Prof Ziegler) to examine the ecology, epidemiology and geography of infectious disease (including, but not limited to, malaria, opisthorchiasis, schistosomiasis, and clonorchiasis), with the applications of GIS, remote sensing and other spatial analysis techniques. Topics may include: environmental and/or social determinants of disease prevalence and transmission; spatial analysis and modeling of disease risks; landscape influences on the spatial variation in disease prevalence; and impacts of land change on disease ecology. Interested students with ecology, physical geography, and GIS/remote sensing background are encouraged to apply.
3) Coastal hazard vulnerability in the
Gulf of Thailand assessed from the Holocene frequency of high-energy inundation
Associate Professor James Terry, email: )
data underpinning coastal hazard assessments is often of poor quality or
limited historical extent in the SE Asian region, where most records extend
back for only the last 200 years or so. To truly understand the coastal
hazards we are exposed to we need information that extends well beyond the
historical record. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to recognize the
hazards that a low-lying coastal area faces, either because there may be no
previous memory of large-magnitude, destructive events from which we might
learn valuable lessons, or because people are, for various reasons, unaware of
the area’s geological past.
The primary
goal of this PhD project is to improve understanding of the magnitude-frequency
of large coastal inundation events in the Gulf of Thailand, that potentially
threaten the deltaic megacity of Bangkok and other Thai coastal cities.
Occurring over centennial timescales, severe coastal floods may be generated by
intense storms or tsunamis. For teasing out the palaeo-record into the
Holocene epoch, sedimentological analysis of coastal deposits remains among the
most valuable approaches.
An exciting
new method growing in importance is to carry out detailed examination of large
coastal clasts for illuminating the characteristics of the high-energy waves
that emplaced them. This is especially applicable to tropical coastlines,
where datable carbonate blocks torn up from coral reefs are thrown up onto
exposed coastal platforms during storms and tsunamis. Such types of
deposits have obvious advantages in terms of identification and sampling,
compared to more elusive layers of fine sands that might be difficult to locate
if buried in mangrove swamps, obscured by shoreline vegetation or submerged
underwater in lagoons. Laboratory dating using Uranium-series techniques
provides a timetable back through pre-history of major coastal inundation
The significance
of obtaining such data for the Gulf of Thailand is clear to see. Not only
will the information be of value to government departments and disaster
agencies tasked with assessing current coastal vulnerability, it will also help
in the science of projecting risk scenarios into the future as sea levels
continue rising in the region through eustatic change and deltaic subsidence.
4) Understanding human impacts on climate caused
by urban development
Associate Professor Matthias Roth, email: & Assistant Professor
Winston Chow, email: )
projects under this research theme investigate the broad question of how
land-use and land cover changes affect local climates with a particular focus
on cities and the role they play in climate change. Our group uses experimental
approaches (observations in the field and application of numerical climate
models) to study various aspects of the urban climate, including (i.) the
development of the urban heat island (UHI) effect and its consequent impacts on
exposure to thermal discomfort, (ii.) cycling of heat, mass and carbon dioxide
as well as (iii.) fundamental flow and turbulence properties. Our laboratory is
primarily Singapore, an increasingly important hub for urban climate research
in the tropics. Findings from this research are important to improve our
understanding of the physical transfer processes and energy balance in the urban
environment, as well as in assessing the vulnerability of urban populations
towards detrimental impacts of urban climate change. Applications include the
prediction of the exchanges of energy and moisture at the surface,
dispersion of pollutants, cycling of atmospheric trace species that play a key
role in climate change or human thermal comfort and climate sensitive
urban design.
students with strong science backgrounds as well as those with prior training
in atmospheric sciences, climatology or physical geography are encouraged to
apply. The development and completion of own research agenda, leading to
scientific publications is strongly encouraged.
Agent-based modeling in CyberGIS
Assistant Professor Feng Chen-Chieh, email: )
Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a powerful approach for simulating social and natural systems. It enables exploring a wide range of geographical and more broadly social sciences issues facing society. With the emergence of “spatial big data” that come in large volume and fine granularity, and CyberGIS that is capable of handling these spatial big data, it is now possible to carry out micro-simulation on a large spatial and temporal extent. ABM in CyberGIS thus makes it possible to offer researchers and policy makers more realistic rendition of spatial dynamic systems of interest and explore key trends in these systems that carry policy implications.
Projects under this research theme include the development of new ABM formalisms and algorithms in CyberGIS, techniques for handling spatial big data, and tools for visualizing high-dimensional data sets, as well as their applications various urban issues, such as urban transportation and accessibility. Interested students with strong GIS and modeling background are encouraged to apply.
Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a powerful approach for simulating social and natural systems. It enables exploring a wide range of geographical and more broadly social sciences issues facing society. With the emergence of “spatial big data” that come in large volume and fine granularity, and CyberGIS that is capable of handling these spatial big data, it is now possible to carry out micro-simulation on a large spatial and temporal extent. ABM in CyberGIS thus makes it possible to offer researchers and policy makers more realistic rendition of spatial dynamic systems of interest and explore key trends in these systems that carry policy implications.
Projects under this research theme include the development of new ABM formalisms and algorithms in CyberGIS, techniques for handling spatial big data, and tools for visualizing high-dimensional data sets, as well as their applications various urban issues, such as urban transportation and accessibility. Interested students with strong GIS and modeling background are encouraged to apply.
The role of mangroves in coastal management (PI: Assistant Professor Daniel
Friess, email: )
Mangroves provide a multitude of important ecosystem services, supporting the livelihoods of millions of people in Southeast Asia, though are suffering rapid decline. Research in the Mangrove Lab at NUS Geography focuses on the geomorphological, ecological and social factors that affect mangrove stability and ecosystem service provision, using field-based and remote sensing techniques. We are particularly interested in research that puts mangroves into a wider coastal management perspective.
Topics may include 1) quantification and modelling of mangrove ecosystem services (e.g. carbon) under different management scenarios, 2) mangrove geomorphology and its effect on ecosystem service provision, 3) mangrove geomorphology and sea level rise, 4) geomorphological, ecological and social factors contributing to mangrove restoration, and 5) remote sensing of mangrove land cover change. Current study locations include Singapore, Sulawesi (Indonesia) and Thailand, though there is potential to expand research to The Philippines and Sri Lanka. Students will be expected to work closely with our regional University and NGO partners. Students with an interest in ecology, physical geography and/or GIS/remote sensing are encouraged to apply. For more information on current projects and students see
Mangroves provide a multitude of important ecosystem services, supporting the livelihoods of millions of people in Southeast Asia, though are suffering rapid decline. Research in the Mangrove Lab at NUS Geography focuses on the geomorphological, ecological and social factors that affect mangrove stability and ecosystem service provision, using field-based and remote sensing techniques. We are particularly interested in research that puts mangroves into a wider coastal management perspective.
Topics may include 1) quantification and modelling of mangrove ecosystem services (e.g. carbon) under different management scenarios, 2) mangrove geomorphology and its effect on ecosystem service provision, 3) mangrove geomorphology and sea level rise, 4) geomorphological, ecological and social factors contributing to mangrove restoration, and 5) remote sensing of mangrove land cover change. Current study locations include Singapore, Sulawesi (Indonesia) and Thailand, though there is potential to expand research to The Philippines and Sri Lanka. Students will be expected to work closely with our regional University and NGO partners. Students with an interest in ecology, physical geography and/or GIS/remote sensing are encouraged to apply. For more information on current projects and students see
Determining the form and level of anthropogenic impacts on freshwater lakes in
tropical Asia, and the rate and nature of past recovery phases.
Professor David Taylor, email: )
This PhD project
will utilize a largely palaeolimnological (lake sediments-based) approach at a
selection of lakes in the Philippines that span a range of degrees of
anthropogenic modification. Information generated by the project will provide a
basis for allied research aimed at anticipating future aquatic conditions,
including factors that could potentially confound recovery and efforts at
research questions underpinning the PhD research are likely to include:
What are the principal ecological pressures linked to human activity and how
have these pressures varied over the last c. 500 years?
Is there evidence in the lake sediment records of past periods of ecological
recovery and if so what was the context for this recovery and over what period
of time did it take place?
To what extent do aquatic ecological pressures, including climate change and
variability, internal lake processes (e.g. lake turnover events) etc, interact
resulting in synergistic effects, and do particular catchment conditions – e.g.
particular soil, land cover and topographic characteristics – appear to
constrain or enhance outcomes?
research will be carried out in collaboration with researchers at the University
of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines, who are working on a major,
Philippines Government-funded research programme investigating freshwater
pollution, and targets an area of the aquatic sciences that is at present very
poorly covered in the tropics generally and in tropical Asia in particular.
The research project includes field-based research in the Philippines.
8) Carbon cycles in large Asian
Professor Lu Xi Xi, email: )
carbon fluxes, burial and emission (or outgassing or evasion) are an important
part of carbon exchange between terrestrial, oceanic and atmospheric
environment and thus must be considered in strategies to mitigate climate
change. However, there is limited understanding of recent spatial and temporal
dynamics of such exchange for the large Asian rivers originated from the
Himalaya mountains and Tibet Plateau. Work can be focused on any of the large
Asian rivers like Chao Phraya (in collaboration with Prof Ziegler, NUS), Mekong
(with Dr. Matti Kummu, Finland), Red River (Vietnamese academy), Pearl, Yangtze
and Yellow River (with Institute of Geology & Geophysics for the Chinese
You are cordially invited to the City of Boston's 2014 Climate Action Plan update community kick-off meeting, on December
9, 2013, 6:00-7:30 PM, at BNAN’s offices at 62 Summer Street, Boston. Please
click here to RSVP.
The update of the Climate Action Plan, which sets out our
greenhouse gas reduction and climate preparedness strategies, will include
a robust year-long public engagement process, culminating in the Plan's
publication in late-2014. The City is committed to making the Plan
community-owned and community-driven. This kick-off meeting will explain our
engagement process to key community stakeholders, as well as gather input on
how we can reach as many Bostonians in the next year as possible and how to
promote community ownership of the Plan.

At the meeting, we will also hand out collateral, information
packets, and resources to spread the word and to drive Bostonians to our new
virtual town hall on sustainability,
We look forward to your involvement in this important
process. If you know of representatives of other environmental/green
organizations in Boston that may be interested, or would like to send someone
else from your organization, please forward this invitation to them.
Best Regards - Brian
Brian Swett
Chief of Environment and Energy
City of Boston
Ongoing exhibit
Developed in collaboration with the Harvard University
Center for the Environment Climate Change: Our Global Experiment will
help you separate truth from spin and provide a basis for making informed
decisions affecting the future of our planet. The exhibit offers an insider’s
look at the scientific study of climate, presenting the latest research from
renowned experts at Harvard and around the world. Get the facts, draw your own
conclusions, then take part in a unique computer simulation that allows you to
choose a course of action and see the consequences for the planet.
Llamas, Quinoa and Andean Food Sovereignty
The Bolivian Altiplano is one of the most
remarkable landscapes in the world, stretching 500 miles at an average altitude
of 13,000 feet. Join Food First and learn about the food and farming systems at
the heart of highland indigenous cultures and struggles for autonomy, while
building solidarity with rural communities, local NGOs and social movements
working to build food sovereignty in Bolivia.
Led by local Bolivian guides and a Food First
expert, this delegation will travel from the shores of Lake Titicaca to the Southern
Altipano to gain a unique lens into this fascinating world. The focus will be
on two of Bolivia’s most important products, quinoa and llamas, and meeting
with farmers and herders to hear firsthand how they have been affected by
globalization and climate change.
Dates: March 14-24, 2014
COUNTRY: Food Sovereignty and Cooperative Production
Join Food First and experience the Spanish
Basque Country, Euskal Herria, through the eyes of local farmers and
activists while exploring food sovereignty and cooperative production.
Specially hosted by the Basque Farmers’
Union, recent honorees of the 2013 Food Sovereignty Prize, you’ll have the
unique opportunity to learn how agriculture and food play key economic and
social roles within Basque society by preserving important threatened
traditions. Tour the renowned Mondragón worker-owned cooperative and stay in
farmer-owned guesthouses and learn about the struggles and triumphs of Basque
history while sharing delicious, local, cooperatively grown food.
March 22-30, 2014
*Scholarships available for qualified
applicants on a first-come, first-served basis.
trip prices reflect fair compensation for the many groups and individuals who
contribute their time, energy and expertise to the delegations. Please see
website for cost inclusions/exclusions.
Program Dates: May 28 to August
8, 2014 (10 weeks)
Application Deadline: March 1, 2014
Applications are now being accepted for the summer 2014 Ecosystem Restoration through Interdisciplinary Exchange (ERIE) REU at the State University of New York at Buffalo (UB). The ERIE-REU, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, provides the opportunity for undergraduate students to conduct interdisciplinary faculty-mentored research on a diverse array of projects related to ecological restoration of aquatic systems.
Students involved in the ERIE-REU program will receive one-on-one mentoring in the conduct of environmental research, focused training in environmental and professional development topics, and exposure to a variety of research methods. The program includes weekly group meetings to share research progress, and culminates with a symposium in which each student will present his/her research findings in oral and poster formats. In addition, students will participate in social events and field trips highlighting ecosystem restoration efforts and the environment of western New York and the lower Great Lakes region.
Application Deadline: March 1, 2014
Applications are now being accepted for the summer 2014 Ecosystem Restoration through Interdisciplinary Exchange (ERIE) REU at the State University of New York at Buffalo (UB). The ERIE-REU, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, provides the opportunity for undergraduate students to conduct interdisciplinary faculty-mentored research on a diverse array of projects related to ecological restoration of aquatic systems.
Students involved in the ERIE-REU program will receive one-on-one mentoring in the conduct of environmental research, focused training in environmental and professional development topics, and exposure to a variety of research methods. The program includes weekly group meetings to share research progress, and culminates with a symposium in which each student will present his/her research findings in oral and poster formats. In addition, students will participate in social events and field trips highlighting ecosystem restoration efforts and the environment of western New York and the lower Great Lakes region.
REU participants will receive a $500/week stipend (total of $5,000) and on-campus housing in a newly constructed LEED-certified student complex. A full time commitment to REU activity is expected (i.e., participants do not enroll in academic classes during the same period). Participation is limited to U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and students must be enrolled as undergraduate students in a college program through Fall of the following year (graduating seniors are ineligible). Most successful applicants have completed their junior year of study, although well-qualified sophomores are encouraged to apply.
All eligible undergraduate students interested in environmental/civil/chemical engineering, biology, chemistry, geology, or geography are encouraged to submit an on-line application; application instructions, faculty participants, and more information can be found at Students from underrepresented groups or attending institutions lacking research facilities or opportunities are especially encouraged to apply.
The State University of New York at Buffalo is a premier research-intensive public university, a flagship institution in the State University of New York system and its largest and most comprehensive campus. UB's more than 29,000 students pursue their academic interests through more than 300 undergraduate, graduate and professional degree programs. Founded in 1846, the University at Buffalo is a member of the Association of American Universities.
For more information, please contact:
ERIE-REU Program Coordinator
University at Buffalo
202 Jarvis Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260-3000
Since 1989, the Antioch Education Abroad Brazilian
Ecosystems: The Protection and Management of Biodiversity program has
engaged students through in-depth field studies across a variety of biomes
in Brazil. This is a Fall Semester program, with a new Summer Term option (see
schedule here). All students explore the flora, fauna, and ecological
characteristics of the Amazon
Rainforest, Atlantic Coastal Forest, and coastal marine systems, and how
environmental factors contribute to species and habitat diversity. Students
enrolled in the full semester program continue their studies in Brazil to
include advanced studies of the impact of human activities on biodiversity and
ecosystem function, a Portuguese language intensive, and an Independent Field
Unique program features:
1. Program is led by Antioch University professor Suzanne
Kolb, PhD, who is assisted by Brazilian professors, research scientists,
and activists, who provide local expertise on current environmental issues
facing each region.
2. Fall semester students engage in a month-long
field internship, working with a Brazilian scientist or NGO for
individualized hands-on experience in their field of interest.
3. Students explore multiple ecosystems, allowing them to compare
the ecological characteristics of each, and providing a broader understanding
of ecology in Brazil.
Curriculum: The Fall Semester program offers 4
courses for 16 semester credits - Introduction to Brazilian Ecosystems;
Ecology and Protective Management of Biodiversity in Brazil; Beginning,
Intermediate, or Advanced Portuguese; Field Internship. Summer
Term students enroll in Introduction to Brazilian Ecosystems for 4
semester credits. Click
here to view detailed course descriptions. If you would like to review
syllabi for the process of approving this program, please contact
America interns will spend their fall semester making a big difference on
critical environment issues and learning a ton, while getting the experience
they need to launch a career in the environmental movement after graduation.
more about our internship program here. Interested candidates can
complete an online application here.
Monique Sullivan
Recruitment Director
Environment America
(202) 461-2448
The MA DOER Internship Programs seeks to provide interns
with exciting opportunities to assist DOER with implementing energy policies in
areas such as renewables, energy efficiency, alternative transportation, energy
markets, and more. The program is open to undergraduate students,
graduate students, law school students, and other individuals who are seeking
experience in the energy arena.
For more information visit:
Green Corps is looking
for college graduates who are ready to take on the biggest environmental
challenges of our day.
In Green Corps’ year-long paid program, you’ll get intensive training in the skills you’ll need to make a difference in the world. You’ll get hands-on experience fighting to solve urgent environmental problems — global warming, deforestation, water pollution and many others — with groups such as Sierra Club and Food and Water Watch. And, when you graduate from Green Corps, we’ll help you find a career with one of the nation’s leading environmental and social change groups.
For more information, read below or visit our web site:
Apply online today at
Green Corps
44 Winter St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA
617 747 4302
Environment Massachusetts has a number of internship
opportunities posted on their website. For more information, please visit
or contact Alison Giest, Environment Massachusetts, New England Federal Field
Associate, at
or 813-215-3604.
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