Dear Environmental Studies Minors,
Please find the this week’s announcements below including information about the first BC Fossil Free and Eco Pledge meetings of the year.
Get Involved with Student Run Green Initiatives at BC
BC Fossil Free Meeting – 9/18
Eco Pledge Meeting – 9/18
Graduate School Opportunities
1. Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
On Campus Job Opportunity and Career Fairs
1. The Loft at Addie’s
2. 2013 Boston College Career Fair – 9/19
3. Massachusetts Green Career Conference – 10/3
Lectures, Forums, and Exhibitions
1. Exhibition on Climate Change at the Harvard Museum of Natural
2. Boston Mayoral Candidate Forum on Transportation and
Livable Communities – 9/17
3. C2C National Climate Seminar at Bard – Biweekly Events
Internship Opportunities, Off Campus Jobs, Site Visits,
and Travel Opportunities
Sustainability Intern at Massachusetts Interfaith Power and
Green Streets Initiative
Job with Telephone Outreach
Project for the Fund for the Public Interest
Internship with
Environment America
in Belize Next Winter
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Corps Environmental Training Program
B. Kevin Brown
Graduate Assistant, Environmental Studies
Devlin 213
Fall 2013 Office Hours: Monday 9:00am-1:00pm, Tuesday
10:00am-4:00pm, Wednesday 4:00-5:00pm, and Thursday 12:00-5:00pm
Meeting on Wed. Sept. 18
at 7PM in McGuinn 410 (and every Wednesday thereafter)
BC Fossil Free is a coalition of undergrads, grads, faculty,
staff, and alumni working to alleviate the deepening climate crisis through a
strategic campaign to divest the University's endowment out of fossil fuel companies. Not only does
this send an important message that fossil fuel companies are a public pariah,
it is a sound financial move that can be leveraged to directly reduce the
campus footprint and make life more comfortable for community members.
Meeting to learn more about Eco Pledge Wed. Sept 18th
at 8 PM, in 203 Stokes North
EcoPledge is a student-led organization that works toward making
Boston College a more sustainable campus. EcoPledge educates the BC community
about environmental issues by showing films, presenting lectures, and hosting
annual celebratory events like Harvestfest and Earth Day.
Through the leadership of EcoPledge members, Boston College has
participated annually in RecycleMania,
a national intercollegiate recycling competition, and the NRG
Games Contest, an energy conservation contest. EcoPledge also runs
campus-wide campaigns to promote water and energy conservation, and an increase
in commingled plastic, paper, and food waste recycling.
EcoPledge members often go beyond the campus, participating in
local community clean-ups, national environmental conferences, and hiking and
camping outings throughout New England. The group pledges to collaborate with
faculty, staff, and fellow students in campaigning for a more sustainable
Boston College campus.
We are pleased to announce that the Fall 2014 application for admission to the Masters programs at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies is now live. You can access the application here. Please make sure to submit all of your materials no later than December 15, 2013 in order to be given full consideration for admission.
Financial Aid Update
In order to be considered for scholarships, all applicants must submit the F&ES financial aid application by February 15, 2014. U.S. students must also submit the 2014-15 FAFSA by this deadline. Applicants who submit late or incomplete applications for financial aid will not be considered for scholarship. The financial aid application will be available in mid-October.
Anyone that submits an application for admission will also
be granted access to the outside
scholarship database. This is a great resource for students looking for
additional scholarship support, and we strongly encourage you to look at this
database before you receive your admission decision!
Admission Events
The Admissions office has been busy planning the fall recruitment schedule, and we will be traveling across both North and South America in addition to hosting on-campus events. To see if we will be coming to a location near you, please visit our admission events website. New events (including information sessions in LA, Portland Austin, and Vancouver) will be posted in the coming weeks so please make sure to check back soon!
Admission Events
The Admissions office has been busy planning the fall recruitment schedule, and we will be traveling across both North and South America in addition to hosting on-campus events. To see if we will be coming to a location near you, please visit our admission events website. New events (including information sessions in LA, Portland Austin, and Vancouver) will be posted in the coming weeks so please make sure to check back soon!
100+ employers from a variety of industries
Thursday, September 19, 2013, 3:00-6:00 PM, Conte Forum
AHANA and Student Athlete Reception
Thursday, September 19, 2013, 1:00-2:30 PM, Heights Room
If you're NOT CLEAR about your career path, come
to LEARN. Talk with people from a variety of organizations and industries.
If you HAVE SOME CLARITY about possible career
paths, come to CONNECT. Meet new potential employers, learn about specific job
and internship opportunities, network!
- View registered employers -
- log in, click on Events, then Career Fairs.
- Prep events (meet
employers one-on-one or hear their advice in a workshop) -
- View our prep videos!
my name is Seri and I am a senior at Boston College and a student manager at the Loft at
In case you have never visited
us before Addie's is an on-campus dining facility that features food made from
locally sourced ingredients. Not only is Addie's a great place to eat but also
a great place to work!
I have worked at Addie's since the fall of my sophomore year and have enjoyed being a part of the Addie's team. It is a great opportunity to meet people, earn some extra money, and receive free meals! The entire staff at Addie's is made up of Boston College students and is student run by our group of student managers.
I have worked at Addie's since the fall of my sophomore year and have enjoyed being a part of the Addie's team. It is a great opportunity to meet people, earn some extra money, and receive free meals! The entire staff at Addie's is made up of Boston College students and is student run by our group of student managers.
is open Sunday through Thursday from 4:30-9 each night, so you never have to
work on weekends. Students are paid at least 8.50 an hour and work
as few as three hours a week to as many as 12.
Addie's is really in need of new hires, especially freshmen. If you are interested in more information about working at Addie's please email Kevin Toro ( ) with the following information:
Addie's is really in need of new hires, especially freshmen. If you are interested in more information about working at Addie's please email Kevin Toro ( ) with the following information:
1) full name and nickname
2) BC ID
year of graduation
you will study abroad (e.g. spring 2013)
BC email
6) cell number
whether or not you have worked at BC before (i.e. are you already in the system)?
8) how many hours per week you would like to work
you send these points to Kevin and he will respond with further instructions.
Feel free to email me with any questions!
Feel free to email me with any questions!
Seri Niimi-Burch
Boston College Class of 2014
Chemistry & Environmental Studies
Vice President, Real Food BC
Student Manager, The Loft at Addie's
Ongoing exhibit
Developed in collaboration with the Harvard University
Center for the Environment Climate Change: Our Global Experiment will
help you separate truth from spin and provide a basis for making informed
decisions affecting the future of our planet. The exhibit offers an insider’s
look at the scientific study of climate, presenting the latest research from
renowned experts at Harvard and around the world. Get the facts, draw your own
conclusions, then take part in a unique computer simulation that allows you to
choose a course of action and see the consequences for the planet.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Boston Public Library -- Rabb Lecture Hall
700 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116
Find out where Boston's mayoral candidates stand on the
vital transportation issues that impact our communities.
Seating is first come first serve. Doors open at 5:30PM.
C2C Fellows | National Climate Seminar
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The beginning of the semester is, for me, always a time for reflection on my purpose on the planet. Witnessing local communities in collapse—from Syria to Detroit— it can be hard to hang on to Dr. King’s vision of a moral arc of the universe that bends, eventually, towards justice.
The picture on my mind is the literal arc of history.
The reconstructed arc of temperature is our best understanding of climate over the last 10,000 years. The entirety of human history is spanned in the arc, from the building of the first city to the I-pad. The red line is where the World Bank says we are headed, in the blink of an eye. Talk about a brick wall.
The definition of leadership we use here at Bard CEP is two-fold: taking people where they otherwise would not go, and inspiring others to lead in the same direction.
Where we are otherwise going is the top of that red line: 8 degrees F when my children are not much older than me. Where we need to go instead is 80% reductions in emissions globally.
So what is our purpose? How do we reengage with the moral arc of the universe? The answer is obvious: we must all lead.
Leadership requires skills that can be learned. Please help us find young people who are hungry for those skills. C2C Fellows is holding five weekend training conferences for undergrads and recent grads aspiring to sustainability leadership in business and politics.
MA (Bentley University) | October 25–27, 2013
CA (Bay Area) | November 8–10, 2013
NY (Bard College) | February 14-16, 2014
FL (University of Florida) | March, 2014
IL (Moraine Valley Community College) | April, 2014
Students can apply now. Applications are due two weeks prior to each workshop. Learn more about the benefits of becoming a Bard C2C Fellow here. Cost for the weekend trainings, including food (and lodging for those traveling more than an hour), is $30. Registration scholarships are available, and students can often apply to their student governments for travel support as well.
Next week, join us in welcoming economist Jon Koomey on The National Climate Seminar. Jon will be talking about his book Cold Cash, Cool Climate: Science-Based Advice for Ecological Entrepreneurs. The full fall schedule is below and here.
Thanks for the work you are doing.
Eban Goodstein
The beginning of the semester is, for me, always a time for reflection on my purpose on the planet. Witnessing local communities in collapse—from Syria to Detroit— it can be hard to hang on to Dr. King’s vision of a moral arc of the universe that bends, eventually, towards justice.
The picture on my mind is the literal arc of history.
The reconstructed arc of temperature is our best understanding of climate over the last 10,000 years. The entirety of human history is spanned in the arc, from the building of the first city to the I-pad. The red line is where the World Bank says we are headed, in the blink of an eye. Talk about a brick wall.
The definition of leadership we use here at Bard CEP is two-fold: taking people where they otherwise would not go, and inspiring others to lead in the same direction.
Where we are otherwise going is the top of that red line: 8 degrees F when my children are not much older than me. Where we need to go instead is 80% reductions in emissions globally.
So what is our purpose? How do we reengage with the moral arc of the universe? The answer is obvious: we must all lead.
Leadership requires skills that can be learned. Please help us find young people who are hungry for those skills. C2C Fellows is holding five weekend training conferences for undergrads and recent grads aspiring to sustainability leadership in business and politics.
MA (Bentley University) | October 25–27, 2013
CA (Bay Area) | November 8–10, 2013
NY (Bard College) | February 14-16, 2014
FL (University of Florida) | March, 2014
IL (Moraine Valley Community College) | April, 2014
Students can apply now. Applications are due two weeks prior to each workshop. Learn more about the benefits of becoming a Bard C2C Fellow here. Cost for the weekend trainings, including food (and lodging for those traveling more than an hour), is $30. Registration scholarships are available, and students can often apply to their student governments for travel support as well.
Next week, join us in welcoming economist Jon Koomey on The National Climate Seminar. Jon will be talking about his book Cold Cash, Cool Climate: Science-Based Advice for Ecological Entrepreneurs. The full fall schedule is below and here.
Thanks for the work you are doing.
Eban Goodstein
Director, Bard CEP &
Director, Bard MBA in Sustainability
National Climate Seminar | Fall 2013 Schedule
Climate Seminar calls are Wednesdays at 12pm
EST and held twice a month via conference call. Assign the calls to your
students for a chance to hear top scientists, analysts, and political leaders
discuss climate and clean energy solutions. Call
in to (712) 432-3100 up to five
minutes before each call starts and enter conference code 253385.
Have questions for the speakers? Email them beforehand or during the call to
- or listen in for the chance to ask them live!
Sept 4
Robert Stone
“Pandora’s Promise”
Sept 18
Jon Koomey
“Advice for Ecological Entrepreneurs”
Oct 2
Gretchen Hofmann
“Latest Research on Ocean Acidification”
Oct 16
Jeff Goodell
“Goodbye Miami”
Nov 6
Laurie Johnson
“The Social Cost of Carbon Just Doubled”
Nov 20
Jorge Madrid
“Latino Climate Leadership”
Dec 4
Josh Fox
“Gasland 2 and Beyond”
The National
Climate Seminar is organized and run by Bard CEP with media partner, Island Press. And
a special C2C Shoutout: check out (and support) the Tenleytown Meat Company, a new sustainable-beef-by-bike venture started by
C2C Fellow (2012) Will Mitchell.
Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light (MIPL) is a
non-profit organization whose mission is to provide a religious response to
climate change by helping congregations and the public lower their carbon
footprints. We are part of a national
movement active in 40 states.
The Sustainability Intern will support our CARES project
(Congregations Acting to Renew Earth’s Sustainability) in Boston, Cambridge
& Somerville. The focus of CARES is to help
individuals take energy efficiency actions that are easy to do and will
save them money. It also addresses climate justice issues – the fact that
existing programs do not adequately serve lower income people and people of
The key tasks are outreach and advocacy.
is primarily to recruit members of
congregations to obtain no-cost home energy assessments. Some outreach will
be directed to inviting congregations to participate in CARES; and people to
learn hands-on energy efficiency skills at 4-hour Energy Upgrade Work events.
Participants will be invited to attend leadership training in a “values based”
model of community organizing.
Advocacy . The intern will help low-income people obtain
eligibility under the Weatherization Assistance Program, and fuel assistance
programs, and document any common obstacles to eligibility.
Required: Self confidence; multicultural sensitivity
and strong verbal skills.
Preferred: Fluency in Spanish, Haitian Creole, Korean or
another foreign language; access to a car.
Please email resumes to Vince Maraventano at: by September 20th.
Start date: October 1, 2013.

Cambridge Upper
Schools’ Walk/Ride Day Project
September 2013 -
June 2014
Overview of Project and Role: This year, the
Green Streets Initiative, a Cambridge-based organization, is rolling out an
exciting new pilot project in the Cambridge Public Schools, aimed to increase
use of sustainable transport in the Cambridge Upper (Middle) Schools. We
will be partnering on this project with the Cambridge Public Schools’
Sustainability Manager, the Cambridge Community Development Department’s
Sustainability Planner, the Cambridge Public Health Department’s Let’s Move
Participating schools will survey students twice each month,
once on a non-Walk/Ride Day and again on Walk/Ride Day, to record how students
commute on “normal” days and again on Walk/Ride Days. On the day of the first
survey, students will also watch an educational video in homeroom about
sustainable and safe ways to commute in the city. To provide an incentive
to participate, classes and whole grades will compete against each other in an
intra-school competition for the most “green commutes” on Walk/Ride Day.
The class/grade with the highest performance will be rewarded with a pizza/ice
cream party.
Here’s where the Project Manager comes in. The Project
Manager will send reminders, post flyers and promotional materials, distribute
videos, and generally organize everything involved in promoting Walk/Ride Days
at two Cambridge Upper Schools. He/she will also collaborate with our partners
and others on special events on Walk/Ride Days.
Skills Required: The ideal Project Manager candidate
will be self-motivated, flexible, and interested in promoting the benefits of
car-free travel He or she will also be an excellent written and verbal
communicator, able to create flyers, analyze data, give presentations, speak or
write to the press, and collaborate with our partners.
Hours: Average of about six hours per week, varying
week to week, assuming that the Challenge will take place in one or two of
Cambridge’s four dedicated Upper (Middle) Schools.
Duties: Here is a typical month of weekly
duties (they will vary from depending on the month):
Week 1: Gather and analyze data from the previous month
Week 2: Distribute rewards, solicit feedback
Week 3: Prepare for next Walk/Ride Day, press and notices in
local papers, social media
Week 4: Remind teachers, post flyers and banners, send video
being watched in class to parents and teachers, remind parents.
Credit/Pay: Green Streets does not currently have
funding for this position. We are open to working with interns on a volunteer
basis, for credit, or with people who may have access to other sources of
To Apply: Send letter of interest in this project and
resume to Director,
Green Streets Initiative, Cambridge, MA 02140
Hi, my name is Claire, and I’m the assistant director of the
Telephone Outreach Project for the Fund for the Public Interest. Today, I am
looking to hire smart, hardworking students who want to make a difference in
the world. We work with many progressive non-profit organizations, but right
now our biggest campaign is with Environment Massachusetts, fighting to protect
the Cape Cod National Seashore.
For the last 50 years, the national park system has helped
protect the Cape Cod National Seashore. However, in recent years, Congress has
cut over 10% of the parks budget, and now House leaders want to cut even more.
So Environment Massachusetts is working to protect the
National Seashore by opposing these cuts.
We can stop further budget cuts if we get our senators to
stand up for the Cape. So we need to hire callers immediately to mobilize the
public and convince our senators that the National Seashore is worth fighting
for, and that’s why I’m here today.
We are looking for students eager to join us to save the
Cape, and work on some of the most progressive environmental and public
interest issues of the day. We are hiring for part time positions in the
evening, and you can earn up to $15/hr plus bonuses and benefits. To find out
all the details on how you can join us and make a difference, you can contact
me at, apply
online at, or call us at 617-292-4823.
Since 1989, the Antioch Education Abroad Brazilian
Ecosystems: The Protection and Management of Biodiversity program has
engaged students through in-depth field studies across a variety of biomes
in Brazil. This is a Fall Semester program, with a new Summer Term option (see
schedule here). All students explore the flora, fauna, and ecological
characteristics of the Amazon
Rainforest, Atlantic Coastal Forest, and coastal marine systems, and how
environmental factors contribute to species and habitat diversity. Students
enrolled in the full semester program continue their studies in Brazil to
include advanced studies of the impact of human activities on biodiversity and
ecosystem function, a Portuguese language intensive, and an Independent Field
Unique program features:
1. Program is led by Antioch University professor Suzanne
Kolb, PhD, who is assisted by Brazilian professors, research scientists,
and activists, who provide local expertise on current environmental issues
facing each region.
2. Fall semester students engage in a month-long
field internship, working with a Brazilian scientist or NGO for
individualized hands-on experience in their field of interest.
3. Students explore multiple ecosystems, allowing them to
compare the ecological characteristics of each, and providing a broader
understanding of ecology in Brazil.
Curriculum: The Fall Semester program offers 4
courses for 16 semester credits - Introduction to Brazilian Ecosystems;
Ecology and Protective Management of Biodiversity in Brazil; Beginning,
Intermediate, or Advanced Portuguese; Field Internship. Summer
Term students enroll in Introduction to Brazilian Ecosystems for 4
semester credits. Click
here to view detailed course descriptions. If you would like to review
syllabi for the process of approving this program, please contact
America interns will spend their fall semester making a big difference on
critical environment issues and learning a ton, while getting the experience
they need to launch a career in the environmental movement after graduation.
more about our internship program here. Interested candidates can
complete an online application here.
Monique Sullivan
Recruitment Director
Environment America
(202) 461-2448
Are you searching for an opportunity to put your studies in
environmental science or ecology to work in a field setting? The
Institute for Sustainable International Studies, ISIS, is offering ecology
field courses in Belize that offer you a chance to study in the tropical
English-speaking setting of Belize and gain valuable professional and personal
experience. Belize’s rich environment, cultures and biodiversity are the
labs for these courses. About 40% of the land and sea areas of Belize are
set aside in protected areas, parks or reserves to protect its diverse flora
and fauna.
One student summarized his experience by saying: “The
field trips were the best in the Marine Ecology class. Nothing like getting
outside and experiencing first hand and being able to converse with the
locals! I learned a lot about the environments and problems in Belize and
its culture and customs.”
For the syllabi and course itineraries, click on the links
two week winter session runs from December 26, 2013 to January 7, 2014,
including travel days. The cost, $2,995, includes one course,
accommodations, transportation to and from the airport, field trips and
excursions, breakfasts and one transcript for transferring credit.
Airfare is not included. Students receive three (3) credits from Sacred
Heart College. The application deadline for winter is October 1st.
Our 2014 summer sessions run in June and July. There are two week
and four week programs for $2,675 and $4,225. The application deadline is
March 1st for summer 2014. Application forms are available
on the ISIS website.
syllabus for each course is available on the ISIS website,, or by clicking the link above. Cynthia Reece,, the Program Manager for ISIS, can
respond to questions related to housing, logistics, course costs, and other
The MA DOER Internship Programs seeks to provide interns
with exciting opportunities to assist DOER with implementing energy policies in
areas such as renewables, energy efficiency, alternative transportation, energy
markets, and more. The program is open to undergraduate students,
graduate students, law school students, and other individuals who are seeking
experience in the energy arena.
For more information visit:
Green Corps is looking
for college graduates who are ready to take on the biggest environmental
challenges of our day.
In Green Corps’ year-long paid program, you’ll get intensive training in the skills you’ll need to make a difference in the world. You’ll get hands-on experience fighting to solve urgent environmental problems — global warming, deforestation, water pollution and many others — with groups such as Sierra Club and Food and Water Watch. And, when you graduate from Green Corps, we’ll help you find a career with one of the nation’s leading environmental and social change groups.
For more information, read below or visit our web site:
Apply online today at
Green Corps
44 Winter St, 4th Fl
Boston, MA
617 747 4302
Environment Massachusetts has a number of internship
opportunities posted on their website. For more information, please visit
or contact Alison Giest, Environment Massachusetts, New England Federal Field
Associate, at
or 813-215-3604.
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