CELA Belieze: Study Abroad Program December 26- January 7 2019
Applications Due October 30, 2018 |
This is a unique opportunity for students who can't find time in their busy schedule to study abroad. Course runs from December 26 to January 7, 2019. Courses carry three credit hours, and credit can transfer from a US or Belizean institution, with prior approval. This is a great first time study abroad experience as English is the national language of Belize. The following programs, plus two other additional programs, are also run during summer sessions. For more information on other programs or summer session study abroad opportunities, visit: http://www.celabelize.com/#Program
***If you are interested in any of these programs, please reach out to the Office of International Programs (https://www.bc.edu/offices/international.html) to make sure that you will be able to receive credit for the course***
Wildlife Health, Ecology, and Conservation Program: Through a combination of classroom lectures, field trips and practicums, students will be introduced to tropical ecology, local conservation efforts, Belizean wildlife, veterinary practices and wildlife research techniques. This intensive, introductory course will help students understand the many factors that affect the management, conservation, habitat and health of wild animals. You will work along side zookeepers in the world renowned Belize Zoo. The focus of the course is on wildlife veterinary practices, conservation and research methods. Species specific focus will include the research and conservation of the jaguar (Panthera onca), puma (Puma concolor), tapir (Tapirus bairdii), jabiru stork (Jabiru mycteria), howler monkey (Alouatta pigra), spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) and the green iguana (Iguana iguana). Students will gain insight on several field research techniques including specialized leg hold traps, cage traps, GPS and VHF tracking, camera trapping, chemical immobilization and remote drug delivery, avian mist netting, bird banding, and nest searching and monitoring. Students will also get the opportunity to observe and collect data on captive and wild animals. http://www.celabelize.com/wildlife-health.html
Primate Ecology and Conservation - an Introduction to Field Research: The Community Baboon Sanctuary (CBS) has set the standard for community based conservation. Over 200 landowners have pledged to project that habitat of the local howler monkey population. The black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra), known as a Baboon in Creole, is classified as endangered by the IUCN. This includes the populations in Yucatan, southern Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. From 1985-1999, censuses at CBS showed steady population growth. Estimates have showed a steady increase to over 2000 monkeys; however a complete census has not been done since 1999. This project will update the conservation status and give up to date results of the original goal of CBS: to protect howler monkeys and to examine the overall health of the monkeys. Finally, the course will engage in community education with the villages within the Community Baboon Sanctuary (CBS). This field course provides an introduction to field research in primatology and will engage students in wildlife conservation. Course topics explore the behavior, ecology and conservation of nonhuman primates (New World monkeys and howler monkeys, (Alouatta pigra) in particular), with emphasis on natural history and adaptation to the environment. Specific topics include methods for the study of primate behavior, history of primate behavior research, socio-ecology, foraging, predation, affiliation, aggression, mating, parenting, development, communication, and conservation. Because most primate species are listed as threatened or endangered, the course will also examine the threats to primate survival and strategies for their conservation. Students will be trained in various methods of collecting behavioral, physical and ecological data, and will practice those methods during fieldwork. This is a rigorous course with a great deal of field research. Students will live with Belizean families in Bermudian Landing, Belize District who will supply three meals a day. The village is very rural with very limited internet and transportation service. http://celabelize.com/primate-ecology.html
Global Health – Biology, Medicine, and Public Health in the Tropics: Students will learn to situate health in its wider social, economic and political context and acquire a basic understanding of the intimate, bi-directional relationship between health and development processes. Instruction focuses on field-based, hands-on learning. Lectures, readings from primary literature, and discussions are also integral components of the program and provide the conceptual framework for discussion, analysis, and interpreting field observations and findings. This course will consider tropical diseases and medicine by certain key categories: geography, vectors and the route of infection (portal of entry) providing students with a broad overview of the major issues and diseases in tropical climates. http://www.celabelize.com/global-health.html |
ENVS & Earth and Environmental Sciences Pizza Advising Lunch
November 1, 2018 from 12-1:30 PM Devlin 201 |
EESC Seminar on Science Journalism
November 2, 2018 at 1:30 PM Devlin 307 |
We have a special seminar this Friday at 1:30 pm in Devlin 307 with Paul Voosen, a staff writer at Science magazine who covers earth and planetary sciences (and BC alum). He'll give a brief intro on himself, but is otherwise here for a Q&A on science journalism, covering DC geoscience institutions (NASA, NOAA, NSF, Hill/White House), and the inner workings of Science. |
November 5, 2018 6-7:30 PM $10 Tickets |
The Future of Housing: Case Competition
November 5, 2018 at 5:30 PM Fulton 511 |
This Case Competition, The Future of Housing, will engage Boston College undergraduates with one of the most pressing issues today, the great need for affordable housing in the United States. Through a kickoff event, workshops, and working to solve the case, teams of students will develop their knowledge, engage with experts in the field, propose innovative, interdisciplinary solutions, with the top team taking home a $5000 cash prize.
Housing is an interdisciplinary field, involving not only the consideration of financing, engineering, and design, but people, environmental sustainability, health, and education. Accordingly, the Center encourages students to form teams that are interdisciplinary, with members from different majors, schools, and programs. Students will be able to sign up for the case competition from after the kickoff event and through January 2019. Learn more at bc.edu/realestate.
Sustainability Action Committee Meeting
BC Climate Justice presents: Human Health, Climate Change, and Pollution
November 7, 2018 8-9 PM FREE FOOD |
2018 Fall Internship: Environment America Clean Water Internship and Job Openings
We know all about the damage we’re doing to the planet: climate change, plastic pollution, wildlife disappearing forever. But we also know we have solutions: solar panels are getting better, electric cars are getting better, and on and on. That’s why our mission -- the thing that drives everything we do -- is to harness our country’s wealth, technology and imagination to make our communities, our country and our planet greener and healthier places to live for all of us. Environment America is a policy and action group with more than two million members and supporter spread across all 50 states. We promote national, state, and local policies that put the environment first. We've won policies that have resulted in more solar and wind power in 22 states, cleaner cars and power plants nationwide, and better protections for rivers, streams, lakes, and drinking water. We work in partnership with the state offices of the Public Interest Network in 32 states and our federal advocacy office in Washington D.C.
INTERNSHIP (Fall Semester): Right now, Environment America is hiring interns to join us at our Boston office for the fall semester. Interns will work alongside fellow and advocates, learning how to analyze environmental problems, push for smart solutions, and build the public support it takes to win. Interns will help us educate and engage citizens on the most critical environmental issues of our time, earn media attention, build coalitions, organize events, and lobby decision makers. This program specifically reached out the Environmental Studies Program looking for applicants! For more information and to apply for this position, visit: https://jobs.environmentamerica.org/internship.html
JOB: Development Associate: As a Donor Development Associate, you will be responsible for maximizing the financial and political support of member of Environment America and other organizations in the Public Interest Network. You would be responsible for fundraising, maintaining contact with donors, developing campaigns, and managing donor outreach. We are looking for smart and motivated college graduates who believe in and love fundraising and have excellent written and verbal communication skills. Candidates must demonstrate a track record of being able to effectively work independently. Previous fundraising experience required. Environment America reached out to us looking for qualified graduates to fill this position. Their website may have other positions that of interest as well. For more information, visit: https://jobs.environmentamerica.org/index.html#jobs To apply, visit: https://publicinterestnetwork.org/application.html Attach your resume and cover letter in .pdf form, and address your cover letters to Johanna Neumann, Environment America Donor Development Director. |
Caribbean Ecosystem Field Studies Course
** Students should confirm with OIP that course credits will transfer before attending** |
Join BC Real Food's Composting Initiative
Environmental League of Massachusetts (ELM) Action Fund: Keep Massachusetts a Leader in Offshore Wind
Contracts are in place for the first 800 megawatts (MW) of offshore wind to be built off our coast. This is a great start, but we must keep moving forward so that Massachusetts can capitalize on the environmental and economic benefits of responsibly-developed offshore wind power. Benefits of offshore wind include: reduced greenhouse gas emissions, lower wholesale electricity costs, improved air quality and human health, highly skilled and well-paying jobs, a path to meet legally mandated renewable energy requirements, and a competitive alternative to our existing fossil fuel power that is facing major retirements in coming years.
We are calling on Governor Charlie Baker and Democratic nominee Jay Gonzalez to commit that if elected, they will ensure that Massachusetts continues to lead the nation's offshore wind industry. Sign the petition urging both candidates to commit to doubling down on offshore wind. The commitment focuses on accelerating the timeline for future offshore wind. It includes a pledge to study the procurement of an additional 1,600 MW of offshore wind and report on economic feasibility by May 2019. This study is already required by the 2018 Clean Energy Future Act. If economically justified, this procurement would effectively double Massachusetts' large-scale offshore wind resources.
For more information and to sign the petition, visit: http://salsa4.salsalabs.com/o/51456/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=25505&utm_source=Advocacy+Email+List&utm_campaign=32f3885028-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_09_13_01_00_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4af88f3572-32f3885028-307824857 |
Apply Now August 2019 Start |
When decisions are being made that affect our health, our safety, or our rights as consumers and citizens, U.S. PIRG (United States Public Interest Research Group) speaks up on behalf of the public. U.S. PIRG is currently working on campaigns to reduce the use of antibiotics, ban the use of toxic chemicals in farming and production, reduce trash, and improve public transportation. As a fellow, you won’t just sit behind a desk. You’ll be out in the real world, working to protect consumers and enable citizens to lead healthier, safer, more secure lives. You’ll be recruiting new groups to join a coalition, speaking in a church basement or town hall to win a new endorsement, organizing a news event or rally, meeting with an editorial board, or doing whatever else it takes to get results. You’ll run a grassroots campaign office each summer during your fellowship where you’ll hire and manage a staff of 20 canvassers to raise money, build our organization and membership, and help win one of our key campaigns.
This is a two-year program, expressly designed to prepare future leaders with U.S. PIRG. We look for smarts, leadership experience, top-notch written and verbal skills, and an eagerness to learn. We value organizing experience, including building campus groups. For more information, visit: https://jobs.uspirg.org/fellowship.html#full-description
Harvard College Conservation Society and ALPINE (Academics for Land Protection in New England) Career Conference
November 10, 2018 from 9 -4 PM Free, Registration Required |
Careers in Conservation (CiC) is an annual event which provides career advice, inspiration, and connections for students from Harvard and other nearby universities who are interested in pursuing careers in any of many disciplines within the field of conservation. CiC includes renowned speakers from the field of conservation, various workshops for students to attend to gain more information on various subfields within conservation, and an interdisciplinary panel. We are also expanding our networking opportunities through inviting more organizations and alumni and representatives from various organizations in the hopes of connecting with students with potential job/ internship opportunities and mentors. Refreshments will be provided. Please reach out to harvardconservation@gmail.com with any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!
For more information and to register, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/careers-in-conservation-fall-2018-tickets-49662890041 |
2018 Annual Tide Mill Conference
November 10, 2018 from 8:30-4 PM $50, Registration Required |
A tide mill is a water mill that derives its power from the rise and fall of the tides. Conference topics focus on how man once extracted power from the tides and how he seeks to use this power again. Come to learn and participate in the discussions. Topics under discussion include: Medieval vertical and horizontal millwheels, A tide mill at the heart of the 1775 Battle of Brooklyn, Structure of tide mill dams, How tides in New York's East River supply power to the grid, and a possible tidal energy canal for Boston.
For more information about the conference and to register, visit: http://www.tidemillinstitute.org/2018-annual-conference/ |
Environmental Studies Photo Contest
Submission deadline: December 10, 2018 Email to: envstudies@bc.edu |
Environmental Studies is holding our first photo contest this year! Share with the Environmental Studies community a picture from campus, your study abroad program, summer travels, internship, or hometown that exemplifies a theme or concept from environmental studies. The deadline to submit your photo and description of the photo is Monday, December 10. Top entries will be featured on our website and the best photo of 2018 (voted on by our Steering Committee) will be printed and framed for display in Devlin.
Please submit photos in JPEG format!
Insight Global Education: Internships in Uganda, Fiji, or Thailand
Earn Credits. Travel Abroad. Intern with an organization making a tangible impact in its field. We understand that an education for students needs to lead towards a viable career. Our University programs earn credits for your academic standing, and our internships provide a valuable and unique addition to your resume.
Spend 3 months abroad, immersed in a new culture with a cohort of like-minded students. Credits are earned through a local University with courses taught by tenured professors. Internships are run by local organizations running long-term initiatives. Accommodations are fully organized by Insight with all students living in a safe, vetted location. Choose between Uganda, Fiji, and Thailand.
For more information on the program and to apply, visit: https://insightglobaleducation.com/university/ |
Middlebury School of the Environment: Enviornmental Leadership in China
Apply by January 15th for Scholarship Opportunities Deadline March 1 |
The Middlebury School of the Environment will have twin bases in Dali, a small city in the western reaches of western Yunnan province and the foothills of the Himilayas, and Kunming, the province’s capital and largest city. With locations in both places and the ability to move between these environments, the program will explore social-ecological systems along the wilderness, rural, urban interface. The landscapes of rural and urban Yunnan, along with unique conservation areas nearby, become our classroom as we seek to understand place in this unique environment. As the world pivots to China, this country and its people illustrate the complexities of environmental problem solving in the 21st century. This program offers a hands-on experience exploring leadership and cultural diversity in sustainability initiatives. This is a six-week environmental studies program for college undergraduates and recent graduates based in Yunnan Province, China, with dual sites in Kunming and Dali. Students will take three college courses (nine semester-hours of credit) offered within a specially designed immersive curriculum that includes core course work, electives, leadership training, and field experiences.
For more information, visit: http://www.middlebury.edu/environment |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte: Hiring Teaching Assistants
Applications due Feb 1, 2019 |
The Department of Geography and Earth Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte offers a Master of Science in Earth Sciences degree with opportunities for study and research in the areas of soils, weathering, surface processes, geology, hydrology, atmospheric science, remote sensing, spatial analysis, and environmental science. Our program offers Earth Science graduate students personal guidance typical of a relatively small department, with the field, laboratory, and computing facilities and resources that accompany a much larger unit. Within this context, you will find a healthy combination of both field- and model-based Earth Science research as well as applied and academic research opportunities.
Our program is currently seeking competitive candidates for several teaching assistant positions beginning in fall 2019. Teaching assistantship funding may be supplemented by tuition awards or RA funding for exceptional candidates.
If you are interested in pursuing cutting-edge Earth Sciences research in our multi-disciplinary program, please consult the program website at https://geoearth.uncc.edu/masters-programs/masters-earth-sciences and faculty research at https://geoearth.uncc.edu/people.
Review of applications will begin February 1, 2019. Apply at https://gradadmissions.uncc.edu/.
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